SES’s design & engineering capability at times sees us engaged in some interesting applications of our escape systems and survival equipment.
SES safely parachutes Nampak Infini recycled milk bottles in trailer
We often find ourselves approached by production teams and film crews to support an array of bespoke manufacturing applications. The advert to demonstrate Namkpak Plastics Infini recycled milk bottle strength from 2012 is just one example.
Benefitting from the expertise of our parachute expert Del Hall designed and manufactured the parachutes that saw the Infini bottles being safely parachuted to the ground from an Augusto Helicopter. This innovative and lightweight range of high density polyethylene (HDPE) milk bottles contains upto 20% less material than a standard bottle and up to 30% recycled HDPE and as we can clearly see strength is not compromised. Del Hall, Director of Survival Equipment Services commented, ‘We were thrilled to be part of this project and given this opportunity to utilise our design skills in such an innovative way”.